East Netherlands Region

The differentiating power of innovation for our region.

A large number of education and research institutes as well as companies in our region are leaders in Europe when it comes to innovations in the sectors Agro-Food, Life Sciences & Health, High Tech Systems and Materials, Energy and Environmental Technology. But what truly sets East Netherlands apart from other comparable regions in Europe? The Innovation Profile East Netherlands gives us the answer.

The two flagships of East Netherlands

The Innovation Profile is organised under two ‘flagships,’ each with three separate focus areas. Companies and other organisations that choose to develop innovations under either one of these two headers can count on strong support and profiling in front of the EU. They will be the embodiment of the power of innovation in East Netherlands.

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The differentiating power of innovation for our region.

A large number of education and research institutes as well as companies in our region are leaders in Europe when it comes to innovations in the sectors Agro-Food, Life Sciences & Health, High Tech Systems and Materials, Energy and Environmental Technology. But what truly sets East Netherlands apart from other comparable regions in Europe? The Innovation Profile East Netherlands gives us the answer.

The two flagships of East Netherlands

The Innovation Profile is organised under two ‘flagships,’ each with three separate focus areas. Companies and other organisations that choose to develop innovations under either one of these two headers can count on strong support and profiling in front of the EU. They will be the embodiment of the power of innovation in East Netherlands.


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