
Events in the Eastern Region

Here you can find out about the events being run by and for the Eastern Region of the Learning Network.

Evenementen in deze collectie

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  • Primaire afbeelding van Listening Theologically in Reflective Supervision

    Listening Theologically in Reflective Supervision

    Thu, May 23, 9:30 AM GMT+1


  • Supervising Cross-Culturally

    Thu, Apr 25, 9:30 AM GMT+1


  • Primaire afbeelding van What makes online supervision good?

    What makes online supervision good?

    Tue, Apr 23, 1:30 PM GMT+1



Organisator van Events in the Eastern Region
The role of the Learning Network is to equip and resource the Church through a wide range of contextually relevant learning and development opportunities. Sharing responsibility with others within the Connexional Team and key stakeholders within the districts, circuits and churches.